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Workplace ER - Pettiness, Drama, and Conflict - Managing Problem Employees
- SHRM Certified

- Teri Morning

February,  2021

Are you struggling with problem employees who cause drama and conflict in your workplace? Join our webinar to learn practical strategies to effectively deal with workplace issues.

As a manager, you want your team to be productive, happy, and high-performing. However, even the best teams can be derailed by problem employees who cause drama, conflicts, and other issues that can lead to decreased productivity and morale.

HR consultant Teri Morning will share her expertise on identifying and managing problem employees, and provide insights on how to mitigate their effect on your team.

COVID-19 Vaccinations – Considerations, Demands and Accommodations
- SHRM Certified

- Teri Morning

February,  2021

Vaccines are the world’s best hope for slowing COVID-19 enough to return to normalcy albeit a new normal. Without vaccines to assist in reaching “herd immunity”, regular life will continue to be limited and business will continue limiting their operations, perhaps experiencing further shut downs.

The first two FDA emergency authorized vaccines are in use, and expected to be followed soon by additional vaccines. Vaccine rollout is extending and employers need to decide what stance they want to take regarding vaccines. Many employers have contemplated required COVID-19 vaccination in an attempt to impose more safety measures amid the surge in COVID-19 cases. 

Employers can require employees receive a COVID-19 vaccine as a condition of returning to work; however, employers must attempt to accommodate employees who, due to medical disabilities or sincerely-held religious beliefs, decline vaccination.

The EEOC affirmed that employers can require employees receive COVID-19 vaccinations. As an organization, consider whether and how to support pandemic-related public health measures and community vaccine programs.

2020 Supervisory Challenges — COVID-19 including FFCRA - SHRM Certified

- Teri Morning

December, 2020

Being a Supervisor was complicated prior even to COVID-19. Now being a Supervisor feels akin to being a firefighter, and the fires are caused by COVID-19. Supervisors are who interact and make the majority of decisions that affect not just how employees do their jobs but the employees’ career as well. Every day there are multiple opportunities for problems to arise. Problems that even if starting small, if mishandled may have occasion to turn into large problems. Now comes COVID-19 and all day, every day arises unprecedented and unusually stressful situations of which everyone is an opportunity to make a supervisory misstep. For a new manager handling these unique problems are even more problematic.

COVID-19 and The ADA – Anti Discrimination, Accommodation and Medical Exams  
- SHRM Certified

- Teri Morning

November, 2020

The Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA) was enacted to prohibit discrimination based on disability against individuals with disabilities in all areas of life, including the workplace. However, prior to COVID-19, many HR professionals especially those in small to mid-size business had few experiences with ADA issues, including requests for accommodations. With the advent of COVID-19,all employers find themselves fielding more requests for various types of accommodations; physical, mental, psychiatric and even requests in regards to family members. Employers also need to understand what are considered medical exams under the ADA and how to interpret company operational COVID-19 safety protocols in regards to the ADA.

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today's world

FLSA and Compensation During a Pandemic: Remote Work, Layoffs and Furloughs, including COVID-19  - SHRM Certified

- Teri Morning

September, 2020

The Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) was passed in 1938. Updated surprisingly seldom since, but still are the rules to which today's employers must adhere. But in 1938 few were exempt; knowledge jobs were of a different sort and most jobs were laborious. 1938 policy makers never envisioned employee’s audio conferencing wearing a suit on top and pajamas below, accompanied by a dog wearing a polo shirt and pearls. How can an employer know what was work and what is not? How can you be sure when so many are working remotely and no one, not even those still going to a worksite is working like normal?Today the FLSA is a better fit for the operation of 1938 workplaces rather than 2020 workplaces. 

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