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Employee Relations Investigations in 2020 COVID-19 and Civil Unrest  - SHRM Certified

Topic Background : 

Covid-19 has been terrifying. Civil turmoil has been transformative. The workplace is an area that has always been a first line for civil transformation. Today people have things on their mind which include changes they want to see at their places of employment. They want their employers to pay attention, listen and make changes. Employers must be able to conduct professional fact findings into their employee’s concerns. Investigations can be difficult and the quality of any investigation conducted depends largely on the training the investigator received (or not). However even in the smoothest of times, employer investigations are often handed off to someone inexperienced in investigations in general, let alone experienced conducting investigation with considerations of legitimate safety fears or an investigation regarding systemic values.

Why should you attend : 

Employers conduct investigations for a variety of reasons; employee complaints, regulatory requirement(s), allegations of misconduct, losses of various types. The shared primary purpose of these investigations is the same - to find out the facts of a situation to determine a course of action to take - or not to take. But these are unprecedented times. A pandemic strikes at our most primal of fears. Systemic discrimination requires creating some turmoil to create change. An investigator needs to know how to handle these considerations of the times in which we live.

When an employer receives an allegation of workplace harassment, discrimination, safety concerns even other misconduct, conducting an internal investigation is generally required. However, whether the investigation defends the company, limits their legal liability and supports their values, OR blows up into an incredible, embarrassing mess (that incurs great liability) today, even social media scrutiny, may depend largely upon HOW the investigation is conducted.


Areas Covered in the Webinar :

  • Taking complaints.

  • Investigatory best practice policies, procedures and protocols to have in place.

  • Interviewing witnesses, including upset, uncooperative or angry witnesses.

  • How to handle physical, testimonial and documentary evidence.

  • Best practices in writing investigative reports.

  • Preventing and handling retaliation and interference in investigations.

  • Indicators of professional investigations.

Who will benefit:
Location Managers, Division Supervisors, Supervisors, Human Resources, Safety 

Presenter Teri Morning

Note :  Recorded access is available for this topic. If you are interested, write to us at

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