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What is a webinar?
A webinar is a seminar presented over the Internet (Web + seminar = webinar) and viewed with a computer with an Internet connection. Webinars consist of both visual and audio information. A telephone is not required but a computer equipped with speakers is the best way to experience the webinar.


How do I register and pay for a webinar by ComplianceFeed?
Visit our website ComplianceFeed, the lower end of the Home page will lead you to the Topic hyperlink of the upcoming Webinar. Click on the link, follow the instructions provided and proceed with the registration and payment process online.


How can I get an Invoice to my registration?
Write to us at and an invoice will be shared over email.


How do I join a webinar?
Once registered for the webinar through the website you will receive the login information over email. A direct link will be sent, 12 to 24 hours prior to the webinar. This information will include instructions and a link to Join meeting.


When do we receive the webinar login link?
A link to the login page will be sent to you over email 12 to 24 hours prior to the webinar. On the day of the webinar, about 15 minutes before the webinar, you will be able to login to the webinar from the page. You will need to enter the meeting number (access code) and meeting password provided, over email.


What time does the webinar start? Share clarity on the time zone followed.
We cater to four time zones (EST, CST, MST, and PST). Please check for your current time zone and confirm with the time mentioned on our website or webinar time details.


Can I get a copy of the slides being used in the webinar?
Yes, we send out an email to all registrants with the presentation slides 12-24 hours prior the webinar.


Can I watch the webinar later?
Yes, if you have registered for the ‘Recording access’ (stated in event description) of the webinar, we’ll send out an email to all registrants 1-2 business days after the webinar with a WebEx link to the videos. The webinar recording is valid for 6 months.


How do I ask questions to the presenters during a webinar?
We will be using Cisco WebEx Meetings which will allow you to ask questions via a text-typing tool (i.e. chat box) in the webinar's interface. Simply type your question at any time during the webinar and the moderator/presenter will respond to your questions.


Do I need to mute myself on the webinar?
No - we'll take care of that for you. As an attendee, you are automatically muted.


I cannot hear or see the webinar, how do I proceed?
Click the ‘Reconnect’ button at the top of the webinar screen. Alternatively, try refreshing your browser.


How can I get updates and alerts on webinars?
You can sign up through the Contact Us page to receive regular alerts about our webinars and also join our Newsletter for updates.


I would want a certificate of attendance, how can I get that?
Sure, share the request for a certificate via Contact Us and your certificate will be emailed to you within 1-2 business days. Kindly provide the webinar title, date, and your full name.


I couldn’t watch the webinar; can I still get a certificate of attendance?
We only issue certificates to those who have attended one of our live webinars.


For further queries, write to us at or call at (800)216-7907

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