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The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission : The Interplay Between the FCRA and
Ban The Box - SHRM Certified

Topic Background :

In September of 2018, the Federal Consumer Protection Bureau issued an Interim final rule summarizing consumer rights under the Fair Credit Reporting Act, thus adding to the confusion for employers conducting background checks for potential new hires.Even more perplexing for employers are the reporting requirements for adverse actions. Of course the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission had to step in with their own guidelines on the use of background checks for employment purposes. Now many states and municipalities are making it more difficult for employers by passing “ban the box” legislation which makes it illegal to ask questions on criminal conviction history on employment applications.Couple all of this with protecting employers from negligent hiring lawsuits and you know why many human resources professionals are pulling their hair out trying to be in compliance while making good hiring decisions.This webinar will review the intricacies of dealing with all of the above to recruit and retain the best employees possible.


Areas Covered In the Webinar :

  • A thorough review of the Fair Credit Reporting Act in the hiring process

  • When to send Adverse Action Notices

  • Protecting your organization from negligent hiring and retention lawsuits

  • Understanding the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission guidelines on background and credit checks

  • What is “Ban the Box” and how does it affect hiring decisions

  • Making it all work together.

 Why You Should Attend : 

Maintaining compliance in your recruitment and hiring practices is crucial to all organizations. Understanding the rights and responsibilities of employers in this process is will actually assist the employer to make better employment decisions.

  • Obtaining an understanding of your rights and responsibilities under the Fair Credit Reporting Act, The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission Guidelines and state and municipal regulations.

  • Obtaining knowledge of the steps that must be taken in the recruitment process to be in compliance with the myriad of regulations.

  • Obtaining a better understanding of Negligent Hiring and how to avoid it in the hiring process.

Who Should Attend : 

  • Human Resources Professionals

  • Employees responsible for recruitment

  • Employees of recruitment agencies

  • Anyone responsible for making hiring decisions.

Presenter : Bob McKenzie

Note : Recorded access is available for this topic. If you are interested, write to us at

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