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HR and COVID-19–Applying the “Hierarchy of Hazard Control” To Your Workplace - SHRM Certified

Topic Background : 

The implications for the emerging Corona virus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) change daily. Hierarchy of controls is a term meant to apply to a safety system used in industry to minimize or eliminate exposure to hazards. It is a widely accepted system attributed to the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health’s (part of the CDC) national initiative to prevent or reduce occupational injuries, illnesses, and fatalities through the inclusion of prevention considerations in all designs that impact workers.


Even if your state doesn’t currently have known COVID-19 cases, it likely will. Also, many of those states without known COVID-19 cases are currently considered high risk by the CDC for influenza (“flu”) and some states are considered high risk for flu and have COVID-19 cases both. While different diseases, both flu and COVID-19 are serious infectious respiratory illnesses whose symptoms can appear similar. Particularly worrisome is people can have COVID-19 or the flu and can appear asymptomatic.

Why should you attend : 

As with all types of risk assessment and emergency planning it is important for employers to have a plan in place to respond quickly as matters continue to develop. If you have not already done so, today is the day to map out your own particular plan to deal with this emerging issue.

People are worried. Employees expect their employers to have determined a plan ahead of time to respond appropriately to their particular workplace.

Areas Covered in the Webinar :

  • Understanding and applying the “hierarchy of hazard control” system to your workplace to minimize or eliminate exposure to current health hazards.

  • Putting together a temporary work at home program.

  • What if you can’t or (don’t want) to let employees work at home? Using remote work considerations from inside an office or other workplace to lower risk.

  • OSHA obligations.

  • Modifying jobs that have extensive client contact.

  • Relaxing sick leave programs parameters on a temporary basis.

  • Can you make a sick employee go home and stay home?

  • Increasing sick leave program policies and/or benefits on a temporary basis.

  • How FMLA fits into corona virus related absences for employees and family members.

  • Return to work considerations.

  • What to do with employees who have to travel.

  • Encouraging social distancing and good hygiene.

  • Who pays the bills? How insurance plans with lesser benefits can put employees and customers at risk. What an employer can do.

  • Considerations for customer service, food service and delivery workers. 

  • Addressing the reality of the daily challenges of living on the cliff by those working low wage and low benefit jobs. 

Who will benefit:
Location Managers, Division Supervisors, Supervisors, Human Resources, Safety 

Presenter : Teri Morning

Note : Recorded access is available for this topic. If you are interested, write to us at

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