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COVID-19 Workplace Safety for Non-Safety Professionals  - SHRM Certified

Topic Background : 

Workplace safety regulations require that every workplace have competent management persons designated as responsible for workplace safety. Today, COVID-19 increases the difficulty of that process while it’s become even more important. Exacerbating the predicament is that even more problematically, those now officially tasked as responsible for workplace safety often include many who have no prior safety training yet are now pressed into service to keep their workplaces safe.

Why should you attend : 

The goal of workplace safety is to send every employee home safe everyday - and no function is more important. No employer wants to find out the hard way that their safety processes were insufficient. But pre pandemic, many employers had no prior need for a dedicated safety role. While at work we are often “thrown into” new responsibilities, being suddenly accountable for COVID-19 safety is a heavy weight to carry. Just one person working unsafely poses a hazard to co-workers, but with COVID-19, working unsafely even poses a threat to employee’s families and even third parties.
The fact is, either an employer can promote safe working conditions, or the only way to determine unsafe working conditions will come from the occurrence of unsafe incidents. Good safety procedures can heighten safety awareness on a daily basis and cause safety to be in the front of everyone’s minds, every day.
This training session will help those professionals previously in non-safety positions to develop a process and a plan to audit safety functions to protect your organization and employees. This webinar will also cover the basics of a safety investigation.


Areas Covered in the Webinar :

  • What is OSHA and its requirements of employers.

  • The interplay between OHSA and Workers Compensation.
    - Components of a safety plan.
    - Hazard recognition.
    - How to use NIOSH’s hierarchy of controls model as a means to implement effective safety and control methods. 

  • Indicators of professional investigations in accidents and near miss situations.

  • Policies, procedures and protocols.

  • What to do if an incident happens.

  • How to handle violations of COVID-19 procedures.
    - Corporate, Supervisors, and Employees: Who is responsible for what?
    - Where workplace violence fits in.
    - How to involve employees.
    - What about visitors, vendors, customers, etc.? Managing their safety

  • Workplace risk assessment

  • Mental health and psychological support to be provided to workers

  • Planning and learning for the future

  • CDC, OSHA and HHS  provide joint guidance for all employers on preparing workplaces for COVID-19

Who will benefit:
Location Managers, Division Supervisors, Supervisors, Human Resources, Safety 

Presenter Teri Morning

Note : Recorded access is available for this topic. If you are interested, write to us at

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