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Using Psychological Safety and Conflict Management Principles to Avert Drama, Conflict and Sabotage - SHRM Certified

Topic Background : 

Drama and conflict happen in the best of workplaces, even sabotage can happen in a good workplace. Conflict is as inevitable as change; indeed, conflict is often caused by change. While drama is a symptom of a workplace low in psychological safety, sabotage is purposefully targeted injustice aimed at the company and/or coworkers.


While drama and workplace politics can be risen above, and conflicts can be managed, sabotage is hard to understand as a saboteur’s idea of success is to cause a personal loss and while the loss can be high or low, it likely will not be a singular event. However, sabotage often gets its start from unmanaged or unfairly resolved conflicts, or high stakes employee relations or labor related drama.

Why should you attend :

Studied since the 60’s, Psychological Safety (PS) is the shared belief of being able to bring your authentic self to work without facing censure, including bringing your integrity. Without PS, employees don’t trust each other and expend much energy watching their backs, maneuvering the workplace and trying to “stay out of the way and out of trouble.” Malfunctioning personalities thrive in environments low in PS.  Blame, disruption, distortion, demeaning, and creating anxiety are a manipulator’s favorite tools. In a workplace low in PS, it’s hard to manage even inevitable day to day conflicts. Everything is personal and no one trusts each other. Matters never get resolved, grudges are held, things fester and “agendas” are created. Teams low in PS allow, invite and even create malfunction.

But within a team in which PS thrives, PS is akin to throwing water on a fire to manipulation, drama is small, conflicts are managed and saboteurs simply never get started. In a team high in PS, drama is simply regarded as miscommunications waiting to be ironed out and conflict is considered simply negotiating day to day problems. 

Employees perceiving PS in their team environment are more likely to express authentic behaviors and directly communicate in the pursuit of team goals. While PS has been considered as both an individual perception of a particular work environment and as existing in dyadic relationships, the conceptualization of PS as an intact team-level variable (i.e., assessing the general team environment), constructed by aggregating high agreement individual perceptions into a team average, dominates the organizational literature. This intact-team PS conceptualization is related to a wide range of positive learning and performance outcomes in organizational teams.


Leaders and employees deal with conflict as they collaborate in the everyday life of organizations and as they confront crises. Depending how they manage conflict, they can frustrate employees and provoke customer complaints but also stimulate their relationships and decision-making. The possibilities of constructive conflict are significant and documented, but the challenges to making conflict constructive are significant too.

Areas Covered in the Webinar :

●       The most important element of PS and how to create it.

●       12 ways to integrate PS into your workplace.

●       How to approach conflict as negotiation. 

●       What is workplace sabotage.         

               o   Recognizing types of sabotage including retaliatory sabotage.

●       Identifying the saboteur’s 10 tools.

               o   Recognizing those who have PS attributes in the interview and those who don’t.

●       Coaching employees the PS way.

●       Leveraging PS during periods of change.

●       The types of conflicts managers face.

●       To understand the deep structure of the conflict

●       Choices of conflict resolution strategies in organizational management.

●       Introducing PS concepts into HR’s employee handbook

●       25 actions management can take to drama, conflict and saboteur proof their work groups.              

Who will benefit:

HR Generalists, Employee Relations, Business Owners, Plant Managers, Branch Managers. Anyone new to HR.

Presenter : Teri Morning

Note : Recorded access is available for this topic. If you are interested, write to us at

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