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COVID-19 Vaccinations – Considerations, Demands and Accommodations
- SHRM Certified


Topic Background : 

Vaccines are the world’s best hope for slowing COVID-19 enough to return to normalcy albeit a new normal. Without vaccines to assist in reaching “herd immunity”, regular life will continue to be limited and business will continue limiting their operations, perhaps experiencing further shut downs.

The first two FDA emergency authorized vaccines are in use, and expected to be followed soon by additional vaccines. Vaccine rollout is extending and employers need to decide what stance they want to take regarding vaccines. Many employers have contemplated required COVID-19 vaccination in an attempt to impose more safety measures amid the surge in COVID-19 cases. 

Employers can require employees receive a COVID-19 vaccine as a condition of returning to work; however, employers must attempt to accommodate employees who, due to medical disabilities or sincerely-held religious beliefs, decline vaccination.

The EEOC affirmed that employers can require employees receive COVID-19 vaccinations. As an organization, consider whether and how to support pandemic-related public health measures and community vaccine programs.

Why should you attend : 

As with flu vaccine programs in the workplace, employee have concerns. But compared to existing flu vaccines, the COVID-19 vaccines are certainly different. The current vaccines are fast tracked, authorized for emergency use only and some employ new technology. Understandably many employees have doubts, questions and concerns regarding these vaccines.

Uneven vaccine availability and acceptance rates, and protracted delivery schedules, mean there will be no overnight return to “normal,” pre pandemic operations. COVID-19 vaccines won’t eliminate the need for social distancing and other health measures.

HR and other business leaders will need to run scenario plans to identify the ways in which changes to vaccine availability and efficacy could alter return-to-workplace plans, but it’s still paramount that employees perceive the workplace — and the vaccines — to be safe.

Areas Covered in the Webinar :

This webinar will cover what to know about COVID-19 vaccines in regards to employment, and what to consider regarding required or strongly encouraged vaccination programs.

  • ADA and the Rehabilitation Act

  • Is a vaccine a medical exam?

  • Administration of the vaccine vs prescreening for vaccination.

  • What do you do, if as an employer you require vaccinations, but an employee states they can’t get vaccinated because of a medical concern?

  • Does refusing a vaccine constitute posing a direct threat in the workplace. 

  • What is medical information.

  • Keeping medical information confidential.

  • Employees who get their own vaccinations.

  • What proof can (does) an employer require and what to avoid.

  • What do you do, if as an employer you require vaccinations, but an employee just refuses for no reason?

  • Title VII

  • What is a religion, religious practice or belief?

  • How to respond to objections to vaccination due to a religious practice or belief.

  • Pregnancy accommodations

  • GINA

  • What is GINA’s definition of “genetic information.”

  • Is Title II implicated when employers require vaccinations?

  • Does asking pre-screening questions violate GINA?

  • Other matters you may not have considered

  • OSHA and safety factors 

  • NLRA

  • Protected concerted activity?

Who will benefit:

Location Managers, Division Supervisors, Supervisors, Human Resources, Safety 

Presenter Teri Morning

Note : Recorded access is available for this topic. If you are interested, write to us at

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